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The delivery of this information provided by you means that the personal data will be included in the companies and person data base, for which is responsible the MANCOMUNITAT D´INICIATIVES PEL DESENVELUPAMENT INTEGRAL DEL TERRITORI-MIDIT. MIDIT can keep the information for one year. After this period of time, they will be destroyed. To exercise the right to access, alteration, opposition and cancellation you must write a letter to the Coordination Department of the Mancomunitat, mentioning the reference ”Exercise of rights” Address the letter to C/ del  Castell, 2  43746-Tivissa, attaching a photocopy of your passport or identity card. MIDIT is committed to use your data in a responsible and confidential way, and guarantees your data will be used according to the law, only by MIDIT, for the expressed purpose. Moreover, they may be used to send you, by any means, any information or updates from our institution which may be interesting for you. Clicking the Submit or continue button from the previous form, the person authorizes explicitly the cession of his/her requested personal data to anyone part of the mentioned institution and gives his/her informed consent for his/her data to be processed for the mentioned use and purpose, according to the expressed conditions and following the personal data privacy protection law (Llei Orgànica 15/1999, 13th December-BOE 14/12/1999). We also inform you that we may share you data with the members of MIDIT, which are the councils of Vandellòs and L´Hospitalet de l´Infant, Tivissa and Pratdip. In case you do not agree to this transfer, you can tick the box below.

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Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
