Hiking trails in Pratdip

Tomb de la Cabrafiga

The Cabrafiga is a circular 9.5 Km tour which starts and ends in the village of Pratdip. The round takes us up to the peak Puig de Cabrafiga, over 600 metres, a magnificent look-out on the Camp de Tarragona. Going down, we will get to Castellet de Les Mugues, an ancient fortress against piracy, built on the rests of an Iberian settlement. It is strategically situated with excellent views from Cap Salou to Coll de Balaguer.

Route: circular
Distance: 9.5 Km 

Tomb de Solans

From carrer de la Creu street, go across the road and take the path which goes up along the ditch until Portell and Grauets de l´Estudiant. From there, keep walking until the crossing. On the left, take the Drecera del Zenón and, at the next crossing, take the right again until you get to the Camí de la Dòvia. You will get to the road, go across it and walk towards the village.

Difficulty: medium-low
Distance: 5 km

Tomb del Puig del Marquès

It goes from the cemetery to the canyon of Santa Marina. Take the detour on the left, which will take you up to Coll de Güena (aerials). From there, walk  to the Coll del Marquèsand up to the Puig del Marquès , until the way of Mas Pinyol. At the Bassa de la Llum reservoir, you can go down the stair and continue along the canyon, or you can walk around the reservoir and down till the la Sabinosa waterfall. You get up to the village following the canyon path.

Difficulty: medium- high
Distance: 9.5 km

Tomb de les Fonts

From Fortauler, going towards the way of Colldejou, you will find on the left marks of the PR-C96. At the first detour, take the left, and at the next one, take the right. Keep walking on the path parallel to the canyon. On the way up, you will go through some crops until getting back to the path of the canyon. Keep walking until getting to the crossing with the path of la Dòvia, turn right, and right again at the first path, where you will find some crops and the spring of la Romiga. Go back to the village on the path of la Dòvia (PRC-C 90).

Tomb de l’Aguiler

From  carrer de la Creu street, go across the road and take the path which goes up to Solans along the ditch until you get to Portell and Grauets de l’Estudiant. From there, keep on walking until the crossing. Take the left towards Cova de la Forestal, Pi de les saleres, Pas dels Col.leguts (equipped), and camí de l’Aguiler. Go across the road until the canyon of Santa Marina. Take the left until l’Olleta and the detour that takes to the Cemetery. 

Difficulty: Medium-High
Distance:  7 Km.

Camí anntic de Santa Marina

You go from the Cemetery to the canyon of Santa Marina, take the detour on the left which takes up to the Coll de Güena (Aerials). Take the upper path around the residential area and you will get to the Font de la Duera spring and until the hermitage. At leisure area, take the GR-192. The first part takes you through the canyon and then it becomes a path.  Go on along the road and then take the path on the left, which will take you to the Coll of Prevell hill, and from there, back to the village.

Difficulty: low
Distance: 8 km

Tomb de la Carabassa

From Fortauler, going towards the way of Colldejou, take the PR-C 96 on the left until you get to the spring and country house called la Carabassa. Go back to the path and go left along thePla del Marinons, until you find a path on the left, which takes down to Planàs and, from there, to the asphalted way of Colldejou and to the village.

Difficulty: low
Distance: 6.6 km.

Tomb de Mont-redon

From Fortauler, going towards the way of Colldejou, you will find on the left marks of the PR-C96. W leave PR on our right and follow until Plà dels Marinons. On the right you will find an indication for the path to les Crestres de la Seda, go up until Mont-Redon. Go further until the Cavall Bernat, and go down through the rolling stones slope passing la Cova del Tabac cave until you get to Pla dels Aladerns.  Go on along the PR-C 96 until the cottage and the font de la Carbassa and, finally, back to the Colldejou path and then to the village.

Camí antic de Pratdip a Colledjou

From Fortauler, going towards the way of Colldejou, you take the PR-C 96 left and we continue until a path,  you cross it and you get the PR again until el Mas I la Font de la Carbassa . Keep on the path until you get to Pla del Aladerns and la font del Bullidor spring. Follow the canyon until the T-322 road, cross it and go on until you get to Colldejou village.

Difficulty: Low
Distance:  8,5 Km.

Tomb de la Dòvia

From the Fortauler, going towards the way of Colldejou, you will find marks PR-C96 on the left. Leave the PR on the right and continue walking until Pla del Marinons. On the left, you will see a signpost for Camí de les Crestes de la Seda . You go up to Mont-Redon. Continue walking until  the Collet Collivassos and till Llaberia. Take the way of les Marrades, until you get to the Coll de la Bassa de les Fonts, Portell del Carreter and Camí de la Forestal. Go down els Solans, passing by els Grauets del´Estudiant, until you get to the village.

Tomb de les Canals del Dip

From the Pont de les Valls bridge, you go through the forest and, on the left, you will find a path which goes up to the Puig Cabrafiga hill through Portell dels Grauets. Keep walking towards the north on the path which takes to Canals del Dip and go down until the way of Colldejou, continue  on the left and, further, you will find the GR-192 on your left. Once at the crossing with Barranc de les Valls leave the GR and continue on the path which takes you through the wood until you get back to the Pont de les Valls.

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Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
