Round of Mont-Redon

Tomb de Mont-redon

From Fortauler, going towards the way of Colldejou, you will find on the left marks of the PR-C96. W leave PR on our right and follow until Plà dels Marinons. On the right you will find an indication for the path to les Crestres de la Seda, go up until Mont-Redon. Go further until the Cavall Bernat, and go down through the rolling stones slope passing la Cova del Tabac cave until you get to Pla dels Aladerns.  Go on along the PR-C 96 until the cottage and the font de la Carbassa and, finally, back to the Colldejou path and then to the village.

Difficulty: Medium-High
Distance:  10 Km

Tipus ruta: 
Documents adjunts: 
El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
