The Ilercavons sentinel

The story tells that the sentinel was watching during the night in a high spot over the river, where his ancestors had built one of the most important settlements in the Ilercavonia. From there, he controlled half of his world, mountain ranges, hills, plains and the great river. Deep in his thoughts he couldn’t help thinking on the girl he had seen in Hibera, dressed as a priestess, with two gorgeous buns at each side of her head, Jeweled and holding two smart scepters. More than the silver itself, it was her deep green eyes that had left him breathless.
In the same spot where the sentinel was watching the Ebre, at the beginning of the 20th century some bracelets, earrings, rings, coins, a couple of bronze bulls, and silver vases were found. And also, the scepters of golden silver decorated with wolf heads, fish and chariots.