350 shares have distributed to the XXth Vandellòs's popular Clotxada

Clotxada Vandellòs
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Vandellós's Major Holiday: the XXth popular Clotxada. In the frame of this gastronomic event, celebrated in the Plaza Dres. Gil-Vernet (with the medieval tower like bottom of this scene), has distributed 350 clotxes. Hereby, the neighbors of the peoples, of other cores of the municipality of Vandellòs i L'Hospitalet de l'Infant and of other nearby populations, have had for breakfast what the farmers were eating former to take forces and to return to the chunk: a bread emptied partially and filling of vianda done to the ember (herring or sausage, tomato, onion, a good jet of oil and salt) East is a local dish of the zone of Terres de Mestral, that from the MIDIT ( (The union that guards over the economic development of Vandellòs i L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Tivissa and Pratdip) it is promoting as icon gastronomic of this territory.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
