Population surveys of MIDIT

participa sorteig diari Enquestes de població de la MIDIT Survey
Friday, February 26, 2016

The MIDIT, from March 1 until March 15, will conduct a population survey to determine the socio-economic reality of the territory and to adjust the decision-making actions, which should lead to full term, the real needs of the area.

The councils of Vandellòs i L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, Tivissa and Pratdip are carrying out activities to create jobs and attract more companies in the territory. This is a survey for comment and help improve together. In answering this survey, by phone that has facilitated, it will enter the draw for local products, dinners and vouchers for activities in councils.

The draw will be daily, Monday through Friday, and when before answering the survey more likely to have prize since it was cumulative.

(* Answers weekend polls enter raffles Monday)

There will be a person, Ezequiel Cebrian, who will both surveys via phone call and in person by the population centers. Surveys also can be answered by calling the office MIDIT, 977569030 (9 to 15 hours) or through the website of the MIDIT, www.midit2020.com:


Draw by:
Terres de Mestral ǀ Restaurant Sal Grossa ǀ Llastres Serveis Municipals ǀ GeoSud  ǀ Cooperativa de Vandellòs ǀ Cooperativa de Pratdip ǀ Celler AiBar 1895 ǀ Cooperativa/Celler Serra d’Almos ǀ Celler Serra de Llaberia ǀ Celler La Placeta ǀ Celler Joan d’Anguera ǀ Celler Cedó Anguera ǀ Celler Anguera Domènech


El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
