It suspends the Medieval Market of l'Hospitalet de l'Infant

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cape of press of the City council of Vandellòs and l'Hospitalet de l'Infant

The 25ª edition had to celebrate of the 18 at the 20 of September, but the City council of Vandellòs and l'Hospitalet de l'Infant has decided to cancel it because of the evolution of the pandemia of the coronavirus

In view of the ongoing evolution of the pandemia caused by the Covid-19, the City council of Vandellòs and l'Hospitalet de l'Infant has decided to suspend the XXV Medieval Market, that had to celebrate of the 18 at the 20 of September at the Hospitalet de l'Infant.

The consistory considers that, at these moments, is primordial to guarantee the security of the citizenry and watch for the health. “In front of the tall risk of spread of the coronavirus, have to be prudent and extremar the cautions at the maximum”, has argued the councillor of Trade, María José Gómez. At this sense, the same councillor has recalled that the Medieval Market “is one of the events of the township that attracts more persons, hundreds of persons around the emblematic Hospital of the Balaguer's Coll, origin of the people of the Hospitalet de l'Infant”.

“Due to the pandemia of the Covid-19, alas will not be able to celebrate the Medieval Market, that this year had to be special, so that 25 years ago. We entrust that next year can commemorate how is necessary the 25th anniversary of this as wanted party for the neighbours and neighboring and for the visitors and tourists”, has appended María José Gómez.

At the ancient core of the Hospitalet de l'Infant, at the zone sited among the plazas Berenguer of Entença, of the Pou and Catalonia, since makes a quarter of century, every year, at the environment of the first fortnight of September, install paused of products of craftsmanship, of supply or of natural therapies, among of others, and offer several activities, and now cercaviles, shows of circus, fire and theater, a medieval supper, workshops and shows of traditional jobs, as well as a tracked of proposals lúdiques for the girls. This year, the City council had foreseen to celebrate the Medieval Market from the 18 of September, later of the habitual, to lengthen the calendar of activities and desestacionalitzar the tourist season.

The Medieval Market of the Hospitalet de l'Infant is organised by the City council of Vandellòs and l'Hospitalet de l'Infant with the support of the Deputation of Tarragona; and the collaboration of several entities, trades and neighbours and neighbours of the township.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
