Data privacy protection policy of the website

MIDIT guarantees the confidentiality of any personal data provided through the pages in this website,, in the terms established by the Law, Llei Orgànica 15/1999, 13th of September, for the protection of personal data (LOPD), implementing the necessary security measures, according to the type of personal data, legally established by the Reial Decret 1720/2007, 21st December, which approves the rules and regulations for the development of the LOPD. The required data will be those strictly necessary, relevant and pertinent for the purpose they are collected and will be processed automatically.
In every page where forms with personal data are exposed, there will be an explicit warning about the existence of a personal data file, about its purpose and about the recipients of the information, about the possibility of sharing the data, about the identity and address of the responsible for the file, as well as about the possibility of using the right to modify, cancel and oppose to them, and the way to do it. If in any form collecting personal data these rights or the way to exercise them are not explicit, please communicate it to:

MIDIT   C/ del Castell, 2  43746-Tivissa, including a photocopy of your passport or identity card.

Also, if you want to exercise you right of access, alteration, cancellation and opposition to any of you personal data (included those in images or voice recordings) which may appear in any other information page in the website Terres de Mestral, you can address yourself to MIDIT, C/ del Castell, 2 43746 Tivissa, including a photocopy of your passport or identity card.

On the other hand, cookies are used only for statistical purpose, because they provide relevant information to improve the service to people.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
