Success of 4th Fair of local product, cuisine and clotxa of the Terres de Mestral, " Fruits de la Terra "

4a Fira de producte local, cuina i clotxa de les Terres de Mestral "Fruits de la Terra"
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The lids and the tastes of wine were the products star Friday and Saturday , 3 and 4 of July to the square Catalonia of the l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, stage that received the fourth edition of the fair Fruits de la Terra. The appointment was organised by the Mancomunitat of Integral Development of the Territory (MIDIT), and took part a twentieth of stops of cellars, restaurants, local producers and artisans.
The two days counted with musical animation to charge of the Xalecos Street Band and the Pixi Dixi Band.

The people that have assisted have been able to taste wines of the territory and lids of gastronomy of the Terres de Mestral like the "clotxa" or the "arròs de tros", between other dishes of the territory elaborated by the local restaurants.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
