Vandellòs and L'Hospitalet de l'Infant will release on Saturday his submarine routes

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The itineraries will appear in a chat foreseen the day before The fans of the snorkel will be able to release the submarine itineraries that there has organized the Town hall of Vandellòs and L'Hospitalet de l'Infant to announce the natural heritage of the sea bed of the municipality, next Saturday, the 11th of July.

This day, the persons interested to doing it, will be able to take part in a holding a permit exit, which will take as a point of item the zone of the sting of an insect of the Beach of L'Hospitalet de l'Infant's Arenal, to them 10.30h. Before, they will present to the public three submarine routes with which from now will tell the coastal band of Vandellòs and L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, one of the best preserved ones of the coast of Tarragona, with sea beds that shelter meadows of posidonia of great ecological value. This will do to itself to Room Bonet Castellana of the Cultural Center L'Hospitalet de l'Infant's Infant Pere, where at 7 p.m. of Friday, the 10th of July the chat has been programmed " The coastal habitats of Vandellòs and L'Hospitalet de l'Infant and the new submarine itineraries ".

This chat will be given By Jordi Sànchez, marine biologist and founding partner of Environmental Marine Services (SUBMON), the company that has studied the sea bed of the municipality and has created the routes, for order of the Town hall; and the regidora of Tourism, Elidía Lopez, will present the project carried out. Parallel, the Councillorship of Tourism has organized per tomorrow on Sunday, the 9th of July, a day of submarine cleanliness of the meadow of posidonia of the Beach of the Arenal, to them 10.30h. To take part in this activity, it is necessary to inscribe across the email address: 

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
