16th Iberian weekend | Trade 2,300 years ago!
16th Iberian weekend | Trade 2,300 years ago!
In an era of splendor Mediterranean, the Iberians are the great unknown in comparison with other contemporary cultures. Hence our desire to present this brilliant and advanced culture, inhabiting our land, through a very special day, the Iberian Weekend.
A proposal full of free activities for you to know the Iberians and their contributions to our culture in a playful and fun.
Each year we select a specific theme of the Iberian world around which all activities are designed. For this year we have chosen to trade 2,300 years ago.
Put you on 1 and 2 October by the Iberians! Throughout the weekend you can learn and experience the rituals of the Iberians through numerous activities designed for all ages.
More information: turismetivissa.com