The City Council of Vandellòs i l’Hospitalet de l’Infant adopts various measures to guarantee health safety on the beaches
It has put up informative posters on responsible use and at the moment it has not installed showers, lavapiés, toilets or games; and shortly it will create the figure of the beach informants.
To try to ensure maximum health security on the beaches of the municipality and increase user confidence, the City of Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant has already adopted several measures. Today, Friday, May 29, he has begun to install informative posters on the responsible use of beaches, which includes the rules and recommendations for health protection: always keep the safety distance of 2 m, use a mask if it is not possible to keep the distance of 2m, you cannot go in groups of more than 15 people; it must be free 6 meters from the water; and you can only do sports activities without physical contact, individual and keeping a minimum distance of 2 meters.
The posters that have been placed on the beaches also report the decision made by the City Council not to install showers, footbaths, chemical toilets and children's and sports games, for safety reasons, to avoid all those elements that may be transmitters of the coronavirus. This is a measure that has been widely adopted in coastal municipalities (from Sitges to Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant).
To avoid the risks of contagion and spread of the Covid-19, the consistory also plans to create for the summer season the figure of beach informants, who will ensure that the social distance on the beaches and other regulations and recommendations are met and that they control the capacity, according to the councilor for Tourism María José Gómez.
The same councilor explained that the beaches of Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant are usually quiet, little crowded beaches, so it is expected that, in principle, the capacity control will only be necessary in the northern part of the beach del Arenal de l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, the most urban, which extends from the jetty to the soccer field.
As for the fine-tuning of the beaches, the City Council is waiting for Costas del Estado to proceed with the regeneration of the sand. Once these works have been carried out, the town hall will be able to install the walkways and the beach bars and other services (trampolines, scooters, paddlesurf, etc.) can be opened. In the meeting that the consistory has held with the winning bidders of the beach bars and other services, however, they have expressed their willingness to start the services in San Juan or in early July.
The 17 municipalities grouped in the Table for a Sustainable Coastline, including Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, have asked the state government to exempt service concessionaires from paying employment rates from the start of the pandemic until the end of year. In any case, the City Council is studying the possibility of reducing the fee for awarding seasonal services to dealers.