The Festival of Masboquera be held from 13 to 15 November

Masboquera Terres de Mestral
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

In honor of its patron saint, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Masboquera hold its festival from 13 to 15 November. These days , the Festival Committee and the City of Masboquera and Vandellos i l' Hospitalet de l'Infant have been organized in collaboration with the Sports Club of Masboquera and several villagers, fifteen acts for all to enjoy.

The program of events includes a combination of traditional approaches , such as spin bowling , dancing Sardana , the Mass , the procession through the village streets , dancing of Diables de Vandellòs, homage to the elderly ; and other types of activities , for all ages , such as children's entertainment, a show monologue by Enric Company, a play, etc. More information:

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
