On Friday 27 January, presenting the promotional video of the Terres de Mestral
At 19 pm, at the Cultural Center Infant Pere in Hospitalet
The federation that oversees economic development of Vandellòs i Hospitalet de l'Infant, and Tivissa Pratdip (MIDIT) officially presented on Friday 27 January the promotional video of "Terres de Mestral." This event will take place at 19pm in Room Bonet Castellana Cultural Center Infant Pere in Hospitalet de l'Infant.
"Terres de Mestral", and it's tourism brand which became known for two years that the country bring together the three municipalities. In this video, the MIDIT wants to promote the dissemination and knowledge of the tourist attractions of this area, combining sea and mountain; and especially the activities that can be performed.
It is a project that is part of the Annual Implementation Plan "Strategic Plan for Local Economic Development of MIDIT: Pilar diversification of the territory", promoted by the MIDIT with support from the Public Employment Service the Government of Catalonia and the Ministry of Employment, in the framework of the grant line of innovative and experimental projects in 2015, in order to accompany companies in the tourism sector and the food MIDIT to create, promote and market tourism products competitive to improve the competitiveness of the destination Terres de Mestral.