New scenes and shows at the 18th edition of the Manger under the Stars of the Masia de Castelló

Pessebre dels Estels Masia de Castelló
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Will be held on 26 and 27 December and 2 January and 3 in this medieval village in the municipality of Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
In the 18th edition of the "The manger under Stars", organized by the Association Masia de Castelló, sponsored by the City of Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, premiering new scenes and shows. Also as a new, open "Cal Santo", one of the important houses in Castelló the sixteenth century, is still standing. Visitors will be able to see the kitchen, the bakery, the dining room, the fireplace, the estab ...

In total they represent thirty-six scenes, thanks to the 220 actors and more than 100 employees who will may recover this medieval town, like every Christmas, her life. This will only happen on 26 and 27 December 2015 and 2 and 3 January 2016. Visiting hours will be from 18 to 20.30. Tickets can be purchased at Castelló in the village and will cost 4 euros for children between 4 and 9; and 7 euros for the rest of the public; for children 4 years, access is free. The ticket price includes a small snack, which will be offered in a large tent.

Those interested in visiting the Nativity need to come to Vandellòs where they then direct its own vehicle for asphalt road to the car park, a large area for parking vehicles conditional easily.

Precisely what really makes this unique is the site manger. Castelló is a medieval village in the municipality of Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, nestled between mountains, which remained deserted in the middle of the twentieth century. His physical decline halted in 1997 when the Association was formed Masia de Castelló and organized its first nativity scene.

Gradually Castelló, thanks to Bethlehem, has recovered streets, walls, eras, houses and a roof, then in ruins and half hidden under vegetation. But not only has recovered his physical appearance, but also every Christmas, her life, one that had been at the beginning of last century, when there lived about 120 people. Thus, Castelló, Christmas, there were again blacksmith, saddler, llatadores, reeds, carpenter ... When there was again having sheaves, baked feels again the smell of freshly baked bread in the tavern sing it again and smoke above the forest of Tossalet exposes coal.

This project, after eighteen years, still stands. This year, Castelló, thanks to the efforts of the Association and invaluable cooperation of the neighbors, but to the future with optimism. Currently, the work of clearing focus on rebuilding houses "Cal Quico Serrador" (future shelter) and "Cal Santo" (XVI century manor house). These spaces are reconstructed by the Association, provided for public purposes.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
