Tivissa prepared a special edition of Correfoc on the occasion of 20th anniversary

Tivissa Correfoc
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

With the traditional cry of "Sí peten!" On Saturday July 25 the city will live intensely one correfoc even more lucid with the Diables de Sant Andreu

The firework is one of the most emblematic of the major festivals of the village of Tivissa and acts an opportunity for many people in the region and across the country visit the city and enjoy its most popular traditions.
Specifically, on Saturday July 25, from ten in the evening, the streets and squares of the city of Tivissa full of fire, magic and the smell of gunpowder, with prominent leads: the Diables de Sant Andreu, one of gangs with more tradition in the country.
It remembers that the group Diables de Sant Andreu was born in 1981 with the purpose of Barcelona's Sant Andreu de Palomar had a group of fire, but it was a group with an innovative character. One of the peculiarities of the group are the masks worn by the devil, along with peculiarities in dress, in which black and red colors predominate.
Also, it remembers that this Thursday, July 23, in the square of the Baranova, will be the proclamation of the party, headed by Ramon Cedó veterinarian.

The program of the major festivals of Tivissa also includes traditional dance nights with prestigious orchestras, religious celebrations, cultural exhibitions, children's activities, sports and on the street, and the XXXVI edition of the popular race.
Another outstanding and traditional activities is the Dance of Tivissa, this year will take place from 19:00 pm on July 25, start and end at the Plaza de la Baranova, and with the charanga music Xim Xim Mig Grau, tour the neighborhoods and streets of the town, led by group leaders of each neighborhood.
The program of the Festival of Tivissa is available at http://www.tivissa.cat

Source of information: Canal Ajuntament

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
