Tivissa Iberian Watchtower over the river and the cradle of the Grand Tours in the countryside

Tivissa Talaia ibèrica sobre el riu i bressol dels Grans Recorreguts en plena naturalesa
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

On 17 February 2016 the Diari de Tarragona in a monograph, "Terres de l'Ebre Futur", made mention of the charms of Tivissa. We leave the article:

Tivissa  Iberian Watchtower over the river and the cradle of the Grand Tours in the countryside

Tivissa history is ancient. Its old town, medieval character, is one of the most attractive and best preserved in the region, with charming streets, casalicios 500 years and entrance gates to the fortified area. Its Gothic church, inside the current, was declared a National Cultural Interest. But undoubtedly one of the main historical attractions of the town is the Iberian settlement of Castellet de Banyoles, one of the largest in Catalonia, located at a strategic point of control of the Ebro river from which dominates the so-called bucket Mora. "For 15 years the University of Barcelona excavate and every year new discoveries appear. Last fall different neighborhoods within the same village were discovered something unusual, "explains Councillor for Tourism, Environment and Cultural Heritage, Joaquim Roset. "Working remains because we dug out 25% 100%" concrete.

Moreover, in Tivissa in 1975 the first signs of the GR itineraries throughout the Iberian Peninsula was performed and therefore is considered the cradle of these routes and a must for hiking nature. Reach the Ermita de Sant Blai can be a good option to get to know the privileged environment of the city, both on foot and by car or bicycle, as it has a concrete road and accessibility for all.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
