
IV Jornades sobre la Comunicació Radio Hospitalet de l'Infant
Friday, April 22, 2016

Us deixem amb la presentació de les IV Jornades sobre la Comunicació de la mà de Ricard del Amo, gerent del Patronat Municipal de Mitjans de Comunicació de Vandellòs i L'Hospitalet de l'Infant, que comencen el dia 25 d'abril

Bunquer fortificació de la Guerra Civil a hospitalet de l'Infant Vandellòs
Thursday, April 14, 2016

FOTO: Rafael López-Monné | Fortification of Civil War in Hospitalet de l'Infant

2a Jornada Alícia - Productes de la terra i dinamització del territori Fundació Alícia, Món Sant Benet
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

This year the MIDIT is invited to the 2nd Conference Alícia on earth product and revitalization of the territory.

In the hands of the Coordinator MIDIT, Izaskun Cendegui, explain our experencia on the table "To promote the territory through gastronomy"

Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Consist of a conference, a workshop and a poetry recital-representation

Descobreix el nostre patrimoni visites guiades Discover our heritage guided visits
Thursday, March 17, 2016

In the Gothic hospital, part of the remains of the Civil War Coll de Balaguer, the Oil Mill and Ca la Torre

Cursa La Portella
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A total of 500 people have enrolled in the Race of the Portella, a mountain race coming out of the sea, in l'Hospitalet del Infant and climbs the ridge coastal mountains of the municipality of Vandellòs and Hospitalet Infante, which this year will be held next Sunday, March 20.

Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Guests of the establishments catering to the association and local hostelry, the company Llastres Municipal Services will apply a 25% bonus on prices.

Tivissa Talaia ibèrica sobre el riu i bressol dels Grans Recorreguts en plena naturalesa
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

On 17 February 2016 the Diari de Tarragona in a monograph, "Terres de l'Ebre Futur", made mention of the charms of Tivissa. We leave the article:

participa sorteig diari Enquestes de població de la MIDIT Survey
Friday, February 26, 2016

The MIDIT, from March 1 until March 15, will conduct a population survey to determine the socio-economic reality of the territory and to adjust the decision-making actions, which should lead to full term, the real needs of the area.

El tiempo
Vandellòs i l'Hospitalet de l'Infant
